
Regulatory compliance, a key concern for our quality department

CE marking

Standard 14592 from the CPD (the Construction Products Directive) outlines the requirements and methods for testing materials, in addition to their shape, how hard-wearing they are, their rigidity and the durability of the fasteners and fixings used in load-bearing wooden structures.

regulatory compliance

Ensuring that our range of ROCKET screws complied with CPD standard 14592 meant doing the following :

> Having measurement tests carried out (ITT) by a notified body.

Our flagship product was designed internally, allowing us to optimise its technical specifications (speed, tightening torque and breakaway torque, pull-out resistance).

All of the performance measurements were taken internally using our own measurement tools, following a proven protocol (same density of wood, 4 samples of which we took an average). Depending on the series being tested, results can be marginally different.

> Manufacturing inspections
To ensure that the batches being manufactured conformed to these ITT, with inspection documents for all batches manufactured (archived for 10 years).

> Drafting compliance

For all products bearing CE marking:

  • In accordance with the regulations, CE marking was to feature on the labels for all of our products
  • We took the decision to include all of the Eurocodes on the labelling for our products.

CE marking is mandatory for all products – whether manufactured in Europe or elsewhere – which are subject to one or more EU directives, authorising such products to be sold within the EU. It certifies that products meet requirements in terms of public health, safety and consumer protection.


After the REACH N°1907/2006 regulation (CE) came into force on 1st June 2007, bringing with it a range of different obligations, we drew up an inventory of all of our products and the provenance of each of them in order to determine our status with regard to REACH.

ROCKET screws

With this in mind, we made the following commitments :

> To inform recipients of our products if they contain any substance from the candidate list (SVHC list) at concentrations in excess of 0.1% by weight (art. 33 of REACH)
> To inform the ECHA (the European Chemicals Agency) if any SVHC is imported at a rate of more than one tonne per year and 0.1% by weight.



We will continue to be vigilant for any change in our status with respect to REACH, as our goal is to maintain customer satisfaction and deliver products that meet current requirements.


The traceability system introduced for the ROCKET range enables us to identify all products from a manufacturing batch.
For each item, a manufacturing batch is an entire order agreed between Vynex and a supplier.
We have introduced a unique batch number monitoring system for each order.
This is broken down as follows:


MM = Month of the year when the order was placed
XX = Unique supplier code
AA = Year in which the order was placed
Each time an order is placed, the products have to be manufactured. For each delivery from a supplier, we can use the batch number to pair the delivery up with the materials document and the internal lab checks carried out upon reception. In the event of any product non-compliance, we are able to identify the entire series that may be affected by this issue.

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